Thursday, October 15, 2020
Golden Days
Monday, October 5, 2020
A Belated Farewell to Summer
Hello bloggy friends and readers! Happy October to you all.
Summer is well and truly over in Wisconsin. After what seemed like weeks of grey skies and heavy rain, we've now had several nights of frost. Soon the green and growing things will fall asleep for the winter, but in my photo files the flowers of August and September still bloom.
I'm sorry to be so late in posting these. After getting my book published, I fell into a long creative slump which included photo-editing burnout and a deep reluctance to write. (The state of our nation didn't help.) Now that the book dust has settled, I hope my blogging mojo will return.
From left, purple loosestrife, nodding onion, and ironweed, all growing along the Wisconsin River:
Found on country roads, clockwise from left, whorled milkweed, horsemint in bloom, flowering spurge:
Clockwise from upper left, knapweed, Queen Anne's Lace, wild chicory with red clover, Butter-and-Eggs (yellow toadflax):

One last photo, taken from the car on the last day of September, when a stunningly vivid double rainbow arched over the town where I work, fading and reappearing several times. I caught the last of it on my drive home that evening:
Next week I'll post some (more timely) October photos.
I hope you're doing well. If you live where there are fires, may you have protection and clear air. If hurricanes or storms have passed your way, may your home be intact and free from flooding. If you live in an area of conflict and unrest, may you have peace and safety. May all of us stay as healthy as we can, and willingly take care to guard the health of those around us.
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