Monday, July 22, 2024

Snapshots from July (and June)

Time has been rolling past, as it ever does, and somehow I've let six weeks' worth of ride photos build up without blogging any of them! I have no excuse, and will offer none. Let's look at wildflowers instead.

Here is some stately spiderwort, with a cloud of yarrow in the background:

Cheerful daisies growing wild in a field:

Dainty crown vetch:

And regal hoary vetch:

Bright hoary puccoon:

And, just for a change, a beautiful double rainbow that appeared between passing storms:

Back to the flowers. This beauty rejoices in the name of hoary vervain:

(On a side note, why hoary? Why not something more euphonious, like fuzzy or fleecy or woolly?)

Here's a lovely wheatfield that I pass on my way to work:

Starlike St. John's wort:

Glorious orange milkweed:

Snowy viburnum:


One of the many varieties of wild sunflower:

A gorgeous combination of daylily and hoary vetch:

Wild bergamot (the Phyllis Diller of flowers, I always think):

Common milkweed:

The humble soapwort, or Bouncing Bet:


And one of my favourites, delicate whorled milkweed:

Life isn't all wildflowers all the time, hence this photo of Amish hay-gathering:

And now, back to our scheduled programming. This is rudbeckia, or black-eyed Susan:

Though we've had some brutally hot and humid weather this month, there have also been refreshing days of halcyon blue-and-white skies. This was one of them:

The next little plant is the charmingly-named heal-all:

A favourite bend in the road:

This tiny flower has a name much bigger than itself - pointed-leaf tick trefoil, or Desmodium glutinosum:

This is a new-to-me wildflower called common kidney vetch:

This might be coreopsis:

And this, of course, is Iris the bike:

Butter-and-eggs, anyone?

Another of my favourite flowers, wild chicory:

My last photo is for the train-lovers among us:

Whew! All caught up now.

How is July treating you?

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