Monday, August 9, 2021

A Tale of Two Crashes

Just over two months ago, on the first Friday of June, Wisconsin was in the middle of a most un-June-like heat wave. I had spent the morning and early afternoon editing photos for a blog post, but knocked off to take a short ride before dinner. Near the end of the ride, on the outskirts of town, a dog jumped out from someone's yard. It ran next to the bike for a second or two, barking, then turned and ran into my front wheel, taking the bike down hard and me with it. The bike and I bounced and skidded into the opposite lane, and I got pretty banged up in the process. (The dog was fine. It trotted around in the road for a bit, then headed homewards.)

A friendly sheriff who was parked just up the road kindly called an ambulance for me, and notified Mr. M of the accident. I spent the evening in the ER getting cleaned up and stitched, talking cycling and bike-fitting with the doctor and nurse. X-rays showed no broken bones, according to the ER doctor. But a few painful weeks later, when I still couldn't walk without crutches, I visited a sports medicine doctor who diagnosed a broken pelvis. An MRI a couple of weeks after that showed that I actually had three fractures: two pelvic and one vertebral.

Now, nine weeks out, I've finally started walking without a crutch. My first solo efforts resembled those of a tipsy penguin, but my gait is slowly improving. The last of my bruises have faded, and much of the swelling is gone. I've just been cleared for physical therapy, and the doctor says I should be back on the bike by fall.

That is the tale of Crash Number One.


A few days after my bike accident, Mr. M ran some updates on my computer, whereupon it too crashed. After many valiant but futile efforts to access the data, he removed the hard drive and took it to a repair shop, where the technician was able to recover some of my files and photos.

I now have a new hard drive and a new operating system, but my computer is set up to be used  standing, so (thanks to Crash Number One) I can't use it comfortably for more than ten or fifteen minutes at a time. Over the last week, with Mr. M's help, I've begun re-loading programs onto it; when that's done, I'll start digging through the files that were saved from the wreck.

The most important files, like my patterns and book manuscript, were safely backed up elsewhere before the crash. Unfortunately, the drawing program I used for charts and illustrations was a legacy program that can't be recovered, and is no longer available for download, so none of my saved drawing files are accessible. This means I have a long road ahead of learning a new drawing program and reconstructing all my crochet symbol and in-progress chart files. On the bright side, it will be good exercise for my brain. :|

That is the tale of Crash Number Two.


In the middle of all this, my dad was hospitalized, and upon release, was enrolled in hospice. He has two terminal conditions, one of which is extremely painful and virtually untreatable. Please keep him in your prayers.


Gosh, this seems like a depressing post, but I don't mean it to be. I can't say I enjoyed being on crutches for two months, but being temporarily helpless has made me realize afresh what a great privilege it is to be healthy: to have the freedom and strength to walk around, or step outside whenever I want; to use the bathroom without help; to make a cup of tea and be able to carry it to the next room; to walk on my own without wobbling or hurting; to ride a bike. Some of those things I have regained, some are a work in progress, and some are still in the future, but I am so grateful for the hope of recovery.

I'm grateful too for decent (if sometimes fallible) medical care; for bones that knit and rebuild themselves; for the sure and certain hope of a new life and new body for my dad when his current body finally fails; for a computer capable of doing things that would have seemed miraculous a few decades ago; for a loving husband to help me through the good and bad times. And, not least, for good friends around the world.

Oh, and for the flowers in my yard, and a camera to capture their beauty:

I can't get to any wildflowers just yet, so am photographing the blossoms I can reach. :)

How are you? I hope the last two months have been kind to you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  1. Oh Sue, what news you tell us, your readers... I was so very sorry to hear of your bike accident because of a dog. It's a pity you couldn't find out who owned it because this dog can cause other accidents and should not be allowed to roam free.

    Thank goodness that a friendly sherrif was parked nearby and could come to your assistance, but that first ER doctor was certainly not thorough enough. The sports medecine doctor was much more efficient and recognized the real problems. I do hope that your complete recovery will now run smoothly without huge discomfort.

    So sorry to hear that your dad was enrolled in a hospice with two terminal conditions.

    Your computer woes must have seemed like the last straw and your husband's precious help has proved invaluble. I admire your positive attitude through all of this.

    You have some pretty flowers in your garden showing you their cheerful, healing petals and beauty.

    All very good wishes to you, Sue. Sending a virtual hug! Sandra

  2. Good morning Sue

    Reading your post I think people need to be more grateful. I've always been affraid of dogs run freely. If I know of a dog, I always take a detour. However, sometimes you just don't know. I wish you a fast recovery that your are on your bike by fall. All the best for you dad. Once our parents get old(er) there are more worries.

    xxx Regula

  3. As my old Aunty would have said"You've been in the wars m'dear!" Horrified to hear about your bike accident and the long road to recovery. May you be totally recovered very soon. Sad,sad news about your dad. As for the computer I so know about that I lost all my Family History research that I had built up over years and had to go back to square one. I now have two external hard drives for backups. Sending lots of super positive vibes from across the pond. Take care Amanda x

  4. So very sorry for all you have been through. Thank goodness you are strong and have a strong support in your husband. Keep on smiling!

  5. I am so thankful you are on the mend. I send prayers your way and also for your dear Dad ((hugs)). I love how you are still thankful, even after/while going through so much. Thank you for the flowers. They are so lovely. I needed to see them more than you will ever know. Blessings to you always dear friend. ((hugs))

  6. Oh gosh Sue, I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad it's awful to see someone you love suffer so much. As for you! I feel for you, what an awful thing to happen and what a pity your fractures weren't picked up immediately how on earth did they not see the fractures on x-ray? I'm sorry as well for your computer crashing, thank goodness you had most things backed up let that be a lesson to us all. Your flowers are beautiful! sending gentle hugs and hoping you have a speedy recovery, your Dad will be in my prayers. xx

  7. Oh, my. There are just no words. Wishing you the VERY best of healing and quickly to boot! Hang in there, my friend! We are with you!

  8. Oh my! My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  9. oh NO!!!!! A broken pe1vis is no easy thing! I wi11 pray for your father. Death is tough and very sad. I wi11 pray for you both

  10. Life does throw us curve balls now and then, knuckleballs even, doesn't it! Best wishes for a calm and careful recovery --

  11. Oh goodness, that sounds a pretty grim two months. I'm so glad you're recovering ok and I hope you're getting decent pain relief as constant pain is incredibly exhausting. So sorry about your dad, that's so hard for him and for you and the rest of your family.

  12. Oh Sue! I am sorry. I will be praying for you and for your dear Dad.
    Gratefulness and thankfulness...those are two things that we must really, really be FULL of at all times! Please know that I am thinking of you...HUGS to you, my dear. xx

  13. Sue, oh my goodness, finding the light in all those painful times. Looking for the good even though the pain and recovery must be so hard. I am sending you love. Your body will indeed heal, it is a miracle and loving thoughts as you travel even more difficult times with your Dad in hospice. Sending you a very big but gentle hug.

  14. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry that all of this happened to you, and I am glad you are on the mend. Sometimes you can squirt a rogue dog with your water bottle, but sometimes they just come out of nowhere--I know from experience.
    For all its drawbacks, the modern era does leave me grateful, time and again, for the amazing things doctors can do to put us back together.
    You and yours are in my thoughts.


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