Monday, August 12, 2024

Tall Flowers of Summer

If Spring is the exciting infancy of Nature's year, Summer is the lanky teenage phase - somewhat untidy, and marked by surprising growth spurts that seem to happen overnight. It's the time of year when inconspicuous knee-high plants start behaving like the weeds they are, and suddenly the fields are full of flowers taller than I am.

Here are some of my favorite wildflowers of late July and early August, ranging in size from shin-deep to waist-high to tilt-my-head-back-tallness.

Blue vervain has become much more widespread the last few summers. This photo was taken at the edge of a large field completely covered with its blossoms:

Ironweed brings bright pops of color to the roadside:

Also growing by leaps and bounds is this field of corn that I pass on my way to work:

Along the river trail, the knapweed is several feet tall:

With Queen Anne's Lace not far behind:

On a Saturday ride I spy tall purple loosestrife blooming amidst a cloud of knapweed gone to seed:

A bee works busily among nearby goldenrod:

In the marsh, I find a new-to-me flower with a charming name - white meadowsweet:

And feathery blossoms of Joe-Pye-weed:

Many miles later I stop at a favorite wildlife area to see what's blooming this year, and wade through swathes of waist-high wild bergamot to snap this photo:

Flowers growing here include button eryngo:

Coneflower (Ratibida):

And the aforementioned wild bergamot, the thickest I've ever seen:

On the way home I pass a long stretch of extra-fuzzy hare's-foot clover, aka rabbit-foot clover. At less than knee-high, these are the shortest flowers in this post:

What are your favorite flowers at this time of year?

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  1. Oh, you have such lovely wildflowers! We don't have that type of coneflower but I love it. "The corn is high as an elephant's eye and it looks like its reaching right up to the sky!" I hope you know those great lyrics written by one of my heroes, Oscar Hammerstein!

    1. Thanks Kay, and yes I do know those great lines about the corn - considered using them while writing the post! :)

  2. A great crop of flowers. We have a lot of meadowsweet round us. I think that I like the great willowherb best at this time of year.

    1. Willowherb is so lovely. We don't have any in Wisconsin, though I think it grows farther east.

  3. love all the flower pics along your ride!

  4. Beautiful flower photos! Our highway flowers are so different from yours!

    1. Thanks Judy! You're so right about the differences. I don't get to travel a lot, but when I do I love seeing what flowers grow in other areas.


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