Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Simple Pleasures ~ Fresh Orange Juice

Our California trip was a work trip - Mr. M spent his days sorting his mom's paperwork and belongings, while I spent mine either at the hospital (my dad had surgery while I was there), or driving my dad to the doctor, or running errands, or staying home with him as he recovered. It was definitely a case of life giving us lemons - and oranges. So of course I made orange juice. :)

In my dad's very small back yard are some potted plants and a few roses. The rest of the space is filled with mature citrus trees - two orange, one lemon.

The trees bear fruit year-round, and on the lemon tree can be seen blossom, baby fruit, and mature fruit, in a continuous and concurrent cycle of growth.

Here's how I spent a happy hour one morning:

The lemons have cross-pollinated with the oranges, giving a wonderful brightness and refreshing tang to their juice.

A votre santé!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  1. Mmmm...that juice looks wonderful! My sister lives in California, she too has a lemon tree. I keep suggesting lemon related recipes & ideas to her...it only intensifies my lemon envy...

  2. There is absolutely NOTHING like the smell of lemon blossoms! Lucky you! I've tried to grow them indoors, here, because I miss citrus trees so much. But, alas, every time I bring them in for the winter they lose all their leaves and don't survive. Guess there just isn't enough moisture for them in our house...or maybe not enough sun in the winter. :(

  3. Yum!!!! No citrus at our house, but we love it when folks at church bring in their extras!!! I hope your Dad is feeling better!!! :)

  4. What a luxurious drink!

    Lots of love and well wishes for your pops, Sue. :-)

  5. I'm sitting here with my porridge on a dismal cold and rainy June morning and my mouth is positively watering at the thought of what sunshine must taste like. Oranges cross pollinated with lemons ... sounds and looks like liquid gold!

  6. They just keep producing, continually. Something I never knew...

  7. I miss the citrus trees we had in California, we have a lemon and an orange tree here, but seldomly get more than 1 lemon or orange.

  8. Wow, can't get over the idea of growing oranges and lemons in your back yard....amazing!


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