Friday, November 23, 2012

Seen from a Windy Hilltop on Thanksgiving Night

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bright flaunting moon,
half-dressed and
shameless, whirling
her ragged skirt of cloud
in a wintry pagan dance

Blind to her charms, Orion
reclines in the eastern
sky, shooting arrows
at the night

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  1. Mrs, Micawber, what a beautiful poem! And it pictures exactly what we see here (In India) every night - Orion and now - the full Moon.
    How was your Thanksgiving?

  2. What a lovely poem, Sue!
    Have a lovely weekend.

  3. An exquisite poem Mrs M, well done.

    1. You're very kind. Hope your weather is tolerably dry! :)

  4. No matter what you write, your words make me feel like I am there! Transported to a windy hilltop - there goes the hairdo! (I like the return to green - easier on my eyes.)

    1. Thanks, Sue. I do love pink - and was using it to celebrate the end of a friend's cancer treatments - but the green is decidedly restful. :)

    2. Oops, I forgot about the reason for celebratory pink - sorry! I LOVE pink, wear it often.

  5. Ah, picture perfect! You have such a way with words and you aren't even a goat. That's a compliment, by the way. :) I'm not going to ask, though, what you were doing on a windy hill on Thanksgiving night. :)

    1. Why thank you, Marigold. Perhaps you could make me an honorary goat?

      The windy hilltop belonged to a friend with whom we had Thanksgiving dinner. When we left the house to go home, a mighty wind had arisen and the sky was as described above. :)

  6. Thank you very much, Lolly - and I know I can take any compliment seriously when it comes from you. :)

  7. Aaaaah, I was hoping for a photo when I first spied this in my reader but did not have signal enough to load the page. Now that I've read the entire post, it doesn't need a photo. Your words paint the most beautiful moonlit landscape! I could almost draw it!


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